Split ends. We all know them. We all hate them. Let’s tackle them. And win.
5 Secrets to Styling Your Hair Like a Pro
The Top 7 Heat Protectants That Will Save Your Hair
My hair gets used and abused on an almost daily basis. It has been patient, but it’s getting pretty fed up. I am realizing that my hair could use a little TLC after years of abuse. I have never really used a heat protectant product before *gasp* but I just started a few months ago. […]
5 Different Fast and Easy Beach Wave Techniques
During the summer after playing in the ocean all day, do you ever notice how amazing your hair is after a fun day on the beach? Those beautiful beach waves that girls seem to die for. Well I’m hear to tell you that you don’t need the ocean to create those perfectly tousled waves. Here […]
3 All Natural Ways to Color Your Hair Without Chemicals
The Best Ways to Color Your Hair Naturally Girls spend hours getting ready for the day, lets be honest. There are those days where you are taking your time to make your hair look perfect and you notice that your hair color is starting to fade! Salon products can give you that flawless hair color, […]